By simply using or accessing any of the pages that make up the Crediclub Electronic Operations Site, hereinafter the “Site”, you accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below, as soon as you use or access the Site in any way. The operations and transactions that may be carried out through this Site are governed by the terms and conditions agreed by you, hereinafter the “Customer”, with Crediclub in accordance with the Money Deposit Agreement and the contracting of Electronic Services.

ELECTRONIC SERVICES. By using the Site, the Customer expresses his consent and authorization without reservation to the Terms and Conditions stipulated in this instrument. By using the Site, the Customer may access and/or use the electronic services, hereinafter referred to as “Electronic Services”, which are available to Customers, offered by Crediclub.

The Customer acknowledges that some Electronic Services may be used once the Customer has requested the services through a registration, registration or requirement established by Crediclub, that is, for the use of Electronic Media and/or the Operations Site, the Customer must, without limitation: (i) register, capturing the required data, (ii) have Internet access, (iii) generate a User and Password and, where appropriate, generate an additional authentication factor, (iv) have a mobile phone number, same that will be used as a User, (v) register on the portal www.crediclub.com and/or on the Electronic Transactions Site determined by Crediclub, (vi) select a phrase and image, so that the Customer can authenticate the Site, (viii), designate the Target Bank Account (s) at the time of contracting, (ix) notify Crediclub of any modification or deletion of the Destination Bank Account, (x) confirm the operations before they are executed.

Crediclub has the right to deny, restrict, suspend, cancel or condition the Customer's access to the Site, in whole or in part, temporarily or permanently, at any time and without prior notice, if the Customer violates any of the stipulations of the Terms and Conditions established here, if he commits any act contrary to the applicable laws in force, if his identity cannot be verified, if any information provided by the Customer is false or for any other reason, at the sole discretion of Crediclub, as well as modify the Electronic Services of the Site, without the foregoing being considered a breach by Crediclub.

Crediclub is entitled at all times to extend, delete and temporarily or permanently suspend any of the acts and operations of the Electronic Operations service, for which the corresponding notification will be made through the service itself.

MOBILE SERVICES. The Customer agrees to receive the mobile service in any of its modalities (i) Basic Mobile Services or (ii) Advanced Mobile Services, which can only be used through the Customer's cell phone, and must have the required operating system.

RESPONSIBILITY. Crediclub will not be responsible for any damage, including, without limitation, damages, losses, direct, indirect, inherent or consequential costs that arise in connection with the service or its use or impossibility of use, or in relation to any performance failure, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, system or line failure, for any reason. Crediclub does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Site and the Electronic Services.

The Customer must safeguard their User data and Authentication Factors in order to prevent risks inherent to the use of the Electronic Services, and the Customer is solely responsible for the use of the Authentication Factors for access to the Electronic Services. The Customer assumes the responsibility derived from any money transfer requested within the national territory or abroad. The Customer releases Crediclub from any liability arising from or related to mismanagement, error or operation outside the guidelines established by Crediclub, carried out by the Customer for this purpose in the Electronic Services, and therefore undertakes to remove Crediclub in peace and security from any claim, complaint, administrative or judicial action that may be taken against him for the reasons mentioned above.

Under no circumstances will Crediclub request or request the Customer's access codes through officials, employees, third parties, emails or postcards, or by any other means.

CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Crediclub will keep all information provided to it or received from Customers confidential, in terms of the legal provisions applicable in the United Mexican States. The Crediclub will not be responsible for keeping confidential any information that the Customer provides it that is in any public form or that should not be considered as confidential.

CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION. Crediclub will keep all information provided to it or received from Customers confidential, in terms of the legal provisions applicable in the United Mexican States. The Crediclub will not be responsible for keeping confidential any information that the Customer provides it that is in any public form or that should not be considered as confidential.

COOKIES. The Customer agrees to receive the cookies transmitted to them by the Crediclub servers. “Cookie” means a data file that is stored on the hard drive of the user's computer when the user accesses the Site. Cookies may contain information such as the identification provided by the Customer or information to track the pages that the Customer has visited. A cookie cannot read data or information from the Customer's hard drive or read cookies created by other sites and/or pages.

MODIFICATIONS. Crediclub has the right to modify the Terms and Conditions set out in this document at any time. Consequently, the Customer must read the Terms and Conditions carefully each time they wish to use the Site. It is possible that some of the Electronic Services offered to Customers on and/or through the Site are subject to specific conditions of their own that replace, complete and/or modify the Terms and Conditions established in this document. Therefore, the Customer must also read carefully these particular conditions, prior to the use of the Electronic Services provided.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. The industrial and intellectual property rights deriving from the Electronic Services and the designs and domains of the Site, as well as the rights to use and exploit them, including without limitation their disclosure, publication, reproduction, distribution and transformation, are the exclusive property of Crediclub. The Customer does not and cannot acquire any industrial or intellectual property right by making use of the Electronic Services and at no time will such use be considered an authorization or license to use such Electronic Services for purposes other than those established in this document.

APPLICABLE LAWS AND JURISDICTION. For the interpretation, compliance and execution of this agreement, the parties agree that the federal laws of the United Mexican States will be applicable and that the courts of Monterrey, Nuevo León are competent, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction or jurisdiction that may apply to them by reason of their present or future domiciles or for any other reason.


  • Crediclub does not request access codes through officials, employees, third parties, emails or postcards, or by any other means.
  • The customer is solely responsible for the use of Authentication Factors for access to Electronic Services.
  • If any of the Authentication Factors are stolen or lost, notify Crediclub.
  • Keep a record of your transactions.
  • Don't make electronic transactions in Internet cafes or public places.
  • Never reveal your personal information.
  • Ensure responsible management in your financial operations.
  • Protect and protect your Username and Password.
  • Use software such as a firewall, anti-spyware or antivirus to protect your electronic equipment from a malicious virus.
  • Use only the phone numbers that Crediclub has provided you.